Amados hijos de Mi Corazón Inmaculado:
Os Amo, amen a Mi Hijo Santísimo en el Sagrario
en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar.
Les Ama Su Madre, María Santísima.
Ave María Purísima sin pecado concebida.
Ave María Purísima sin pecado concebida.
Ave María Purísima sin pecado concebida.
Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Her children.
March 23
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:
I Love You, love My Most Holy Son in the Tabernacle
in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
Loves You Your Mother, Most Holy Mary.
Hail Mary the Most Pure conceived without sin.
Hail Mary the Most Pure conceived without sin.
Hail Mary the Most Pure conceived without sin.
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