24 abril 2018.
Amados, no piensen que por mucho que se alejen de Mí ya no
son hijos Míos.
Mi Hijo, El Cristo Redentor les quiere ver de vuelta
Conmigo y para ello les va a otorgar unos Dones que nunca
antes Ha Dado a Sus hijos.
Es ahora o nunca, pero si vuelven Conmigo a través de Mi
Hijo, verán lo que nunca han visto, sabrán lo que nunca han
sabido, y sobre todo, volverán a ser quienes fueron, los
Hijos de Dios Padre Omnipotente antes de su caída en el Paraíso.
Hijos Les Amo aún más si vuelven porque la alegría en el
Cielo por ustedes va a ser tan grande que celebraré con
ustedes la mayor fiesta que hayan visto jamás.
Les Ama la Santísima Virgen María con su Llama de Amor de
Madre que les viene a recoger muy pronto.
Se despide Dios Padre Omnipotente, Omnipresente,
Todopoderoso, Ser de Luz de entre los Seres de Luz porque
Es la Luz del mundo.
Amén, Amén, Aleluya.
Gloria a Dios.
Aleluya, Amén, Amén.
Alabado Sea el Altísimo en el Sacrosanto Sacramento del Altar.
Amén, Amén, Amén.
Aleluya, Amén, Aleluya, Amén.
Message from God Almighty Father to His children.
April 24, 2018.
Beloveds, don´t think that because you are far away from Me
you no longer are My children.
My Son, The Christ the Redeemer wants to see you back
With Me and for that, He Will grant you Gifts that never
before He has Given to His children.
It is now or never, but if you return with Me through My
Son, you will see what you have never seen, you will know
what you have never known, and above all, you will be who
you were, the Children of God Omnipotent Father before your
fall from Paradise.
Children I Love you even more if you come back because the
joy in Heaven for you is going to be so big that I Will
Celebrate with you the biggest party you've ever seen.
Loves You the Most Holy Virgin Mary with Her Mother´s Flame
of Love Who Comes to pick you up very soon.
Says goodbye God Omnipotent Father, Omnipresent,
Almighty, Being of Light among the Beings of Light because
He is the Light of the world.
Amen, Amen, Alleluia.
Glory to God.
Hallelujah, Amen, Amen.
Praised Be the Most High in the Sacred Sacrament of the Altar.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah, Amen.
April 24, 2018.
Beloveds, don´t think that because you are far away from Me
you no longer are My children.
My Son, The Christ the Redeemer wants to see you back
With Me and for that, He Will grant you Gifts that never
before He has Given to His children.
It is now or never, but if you return with Me through My
Son, you will see what you have never seen, you will know
what you have never known, and above all, you will be who
you were, the Children of God Omnipotent Father before your
fall from Paradise.
Children I Love you even more if you come back because the
joy in Heaven for you is going to be so big that I Will
Celebrate with you the biggest party you've ever seen.
Loves You the Most Holy Virgin Mary with Her Mother´s Flame
of Love Who Comes to pick you up very soon.
Says goodbye God Omnipotent Father, Omnipresent,
Almighty, Being of Light among the Beings of Light because
He is the Light of the world.
Amen, Amen, Alleluia.
Glory to God.
Hallelujah, Amen, Amen.
Praised Be the Most High in the Sacred Sacrament of the Altar.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah, Amen.
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