Mensaje de Dios Padre Omnipotente, Omnipresente, Santo y
Verdadero Dios de todos los hombres.
16 abril, 2018.
Amados, hijos de Mi Hijo, Mi Hijo Les Ama, basta ya de
protestas por Mis Mandamientos, Mis Mandamientos Son Mi Ley
Eterna y Perfecta dada a los hombres para convertirlos en
futuras ovejas de Mi Hijo Que es Santo y Perfecto,
Perfección de Perfecciones, Sin Mácula alguna Cordero
Santo de Dios Puro y Limpio de toda mancha, Concebido sin
pecado original. Demasiado para ustedes actualmente
corrompidos por el pecado que les ciega y les ata a
satanás, Ave María Purísima, al maligno, Ave María
Purísima, y les hace los infelices que son actualmente, por
vivir contrariamente a los Mandamientos de La Ley de Dios.
Hijos ¿cómo quieren que no les regañe si Soy Su Padre? ¿no
regañan ustedes a sus propios hijos? Pues Yo Que Soy Dios y
Cumplo Mis Obligaciones más, no como ustedes que
últimamente no educan a sus criaturas sino que las
corrompen dándoles caprichos de todo tipo, menos lo que es
Bueno para el alma de ellos.
Hijos no Sería Su Padre Amado si no Les corrigiera para que
no cayeran en el Infierno.
Amados, vuelvan ya, arrepiéntanse ya, que la noche cae, aún
queda un poco de luz pero cuando la noche caiga la luz va a
desaparecer y van a tener dificultades para encontrar a Mi
Hijo en La Eucaristía.
Gracias Amados por aguantar Mi Perorata y la de Mi Hijo el
otro día, pero es que está del todo justificada ya lo
Les Ama Dios Padre Omnipotente, Omnipresente, también en La
Eucarístía de Mi Hijo, que Es el Cordero de Dios Puro y
Santo que Quita el pecado del mundo y de sus almas si lo
toman después de confesar sus culpas debidamente
Amén, Amén, Aleluya.
Aleluya, Aleluya, Amén.
Gloria a Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, como era en un
principio ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos.
Amén, Amén, Amén.
Gloria a Dios.
Alabado Sea Dios Eternamente y Que por siempre lo Sea en el
Sagrario, Santísimo Sacramento de La Eucaristía.
Gloria a Dios.
Amén, Aleluya, Amén.
Amén, Amén, Amén.
Message of God the Father Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Holy and
True God of all men.
April 16, 2018
Beloved, sons of My Son, My Son Loves You, enough of
protests for My Commandments, My Commandments are My Law
Eternal and Perfect given to men to turn them into
future sheep of My Son Who is Holy and Perfect,
Perfection Perfection, without any macula Lamb
Holy of God Pure and Clean of all stain, Conceived without
original sin. Too much for you now corrupted by the sin
that blinds you and binds you to satan, Hail Mary the Most
Pure, the evil one, Hail Mary the Most Pure, and makes you
the unfortunates that you are currently for living contrary
to the Commandments of the Law of God.
Children, how do you want Me not to scold you if I Am Your
Father? Don´t you scold your own children? Well, I Am God
and I accomplish My Obligations not you who
lately don´t educate your creatures but corrupting them by
giving whims of all kinds, except what is
Good for their soul.
Children I Would not Be Your Beloved Father if I Did not
Correct you so that you don´t fall in Hell.
Beloved, come back, repent now, that night falls, still
there is a little light but when the night falls the light
will disappear and you will have difficulties to find My
Son in the Eucharist.
Thank you Beloved for enduring My peroration and My Son's
another day, but it is completely justified you will see.
God Loves You Omnipotent Father, Omnipresent, also in The
Eucharist of My Son, who is the Lamb of God Pure and
Holy that Takes Away the sin of the world and of your souls
if you take after confessing your faults properly
Amen, Amen, Alleluia.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen.
Glory to God Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as it was in a
beginning now and forever, for ever and ever.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
Glory to God.
Praised Be God Eternally and That forever Be in the
Sacrarium, Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Glory to God.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
True God of all men.
April 16, 2018
Beloved, sons of My Son, My Son Loves You, enough of
protests for My Commandments, My Commandments are My Law
Eternal and Perfect given to men to turn them into
future sheep of My Son Who is Holy and Perfect,
Perfection Perfection, without any macula Lamb
Holy of God Pure and Clean of all stain, Conceived without
original sin. Too much for you now corrupted by the sin
that blinds you and binds you to satan, Hail Mary the Most
Pure, the evil one, Hail Mary the Most Pure, and makes you
the unfortunates that you are currently for living contrary
to the Commandments of the Law of God.
Children, how do you want Me not to scold you if I Am Your
Father? Don´t you scold your own children? Well, I Am God
and I accomplish My Obligations not you who
lately don´t educate your creatures but corrupting them by
giving whims of all kinds, except what is
Good for their soul.
Children I Would not Be Your Beloved Father if I Did not
Correct you so that you don´t fall in Hell.
Beloved, come back, repent now, that night falls, still
there is a little light but when the night falls the light
will disappear and you will have difficulties to find My
Son in the Eucharist.
Thank you Beloved for enduring My peroration and My Son's
another day, but it is completely justified you will see.
God Loves You Omnipotent Father, Omnipresent, also in The
Eucharist of My Son, who is the Lamb of God Pure and
Holy that Takes Away the sin of the world and of your souls
if you take after confessing your faults properly
Amen, Amen, Alleluia.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen.
Glory to God Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as it was in a
beginning now and forever, for ever and ever.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
Glory to God.
Praised Be God Eternally and That forever Be in the
Sacrarium, Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Glory to God.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
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