19 abril 2018.
Amados ¿desde cuándo el dinero da la felicidad?
ustedes que tienen están obligados a dar al que no tiene,
de lo contrario no son Mis Hijos.
Amados ¿creen que porque tengan dinero son mejores hijos
Míos que los que no tienen?
En verdad en verdad Les Digo, antes entrará un camello por
el ojo de una aguja que uno de ustedes en el Reino de Mi
Ofenden a Dios con su amor al dinero, su lujuria, su
maltrato a los más pobres, su podredumbre oculta a los ojos
de los demás por sus trajes vanidosos.
¡así no hijos! ¡así no!
No se comportan como Hijos Míos si tratan así a los demás.
Cuidado no tenga que quitarles lo que tienen para que
comprendan lo que les digo.
Amados, Les Amo pero como no sean solidarios con el prójimo
el día de mañana cuando a ustedes les falte se acordarán de
lo que Les Dije.
Ámense los unos a los otros como Yo Amé, ¿acaso es tan
difícil para ustedes?
Les Ama, Su Jesús.
Amén, Aleluya, Amén.
Gloria a Dios El Altísimo por Quien vive todo en el
universo y Es Dios y Reina por los siglos de los siglos.
Amén, Amén, Aleluya.
Amén, Aleluya, Amén.
Message of the Lord Jesus Christ to His Beloved humankind.
April 19, 2018
Beloved, since when does money achieve happiness?
you who have are bound to give to the one who does not
have, otherwise you are not My Children.
Beloveds, do you believe that because you have money you
are better children of Mine than those who don´t?
Truly I really tell you, a camel will enter the eye of a
needle before that one of you in the Kingdom of My Father.
You offend God with your love of money, your lust, your
mistreatment of the poorest, your rot hidden from the eyes
of others for your vain costumes.
Not that way children! not that way!
You don´t behave like My children if you treat others like
Beware, I do not have to take away what you have so that
understand what I tell you.
Beloved, I Love you but if you are not in solidarity with
your neighbor tomorrow, when you are missing, you will
remember what I Told you.
Love one another as I Loved you, is it so difficult for you?
Love You, Your Jesus.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
Glory to God The Most High by Who Live all in the
universe and He is God and Reigns for ever and ever.
Amen, Amen, Alleluia.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
April 19, 2018
Beloved, since when does money achieve happiness?
you who have are bound to give to the one who does not
have, otherwise you are not My Children.
Beloveds, do you believe that because you have money you
are better children of Mine than those who don´t?
Truly I really tell you, a camel will enter the eye of a
needle before that one of you in the Kingdom of My Father.
You offend God with your love of money, your lust, your
mistreatment of the poorest, your rot hidden from the eyes
of others for your vain costumes.
Not that way children! not that way!
You don´t behave like My children if you treat others like
Beware, I do not have to take away what you have so that
understand what I tell you.
Beloved, I Love you but if you are not in solidarity with
your neighbor tomorrow, when you are missing, you will
remember what I Told you.
Love one another as I Loved you, is it so difficult for you?
Love You, Your Jesus.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
Glory to God The Most High by Who Live all in the
universe and He is God and Reigns for ever and ever.
Amen, Amen, Alleluia.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
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