19 abril 2018.
Amados hijos de Mi Inmaculado Corazón,
Mi Hijo Les Ama pero les reprende con razón de ser, ustedes
no han entendido que lo que hagan a los demás les será
devuelto, no, no lo han entendido.
Habla el Señor Jesucristo:
Amados vale ya de quejarse de todo, Mis Hijos pasan hambre
y sed mientras ustedes tienen de todo ¿no ven en qué se han
convertido hijos? ¿no ven que si siguen así quejándose de
todo como niños malcriados, sin razón alguna, van a ser
castigados por Mi Padre sin que nadie lo remedie?
Arrepiéntanse ahora, se lo digo porque se van a arrepentir
luego de no haberse arrepentido y será tarde ¿Me oyen? Será
tarde hijos.
Nada queda ya para su final ¿a qué están esperando para
venir a verme en el Sagrario? ¿a que lo quiten?
El Sagrario va a desaparecer por culpa del falso profeta
que es el papa Francisco, apóstol del anticristo, Ave María
Purísima, sí hijos, su apóstol, ya lo verán y será tarde
para ustedes.
Síganle y Me abandonarán para servirle a Satanás, Ave María
Purísima, y será tarde para ustedes, muy tarde ya porque
les va a recomendar que acepten la marca de la bestia que
es el microchip, les dirá que se lo implanten, que son
tiempos modernos, y que no está relacionado con la marca de
la bestia pero lo está y les va a engañar a ustedes por
incautos y será tarde ¡ay! muy tarde si no se arrepienten
¡ya! de querer al dinero más que a Mí.
Les Amo más de lo que pudieran imaginar pero aburren con
sus impertinencias y reclamos sobre sus tristes vidas,
mientras Mis hijos ni siquiera existen para ustedes.
Les Ama Su Jesús.
Amén, Amén, Aleluya, Amén.
Alabado Sea El Altísimo en el Sacramento del Altar y que
por siempre lo Sea.
Amén, Aleluya, Amén.
Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Her Beloved
humankind. April 19, 2018
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart,
My Son Loves you but He rebukes you with reason to be, you
have not understood that what you do to others will be
returned, no, you have not understood.
The Lord Jesus Christ Speaks:
Beloved ones, it's enough to complain about everything, My
children go hungry and thirst while you have everything,
don´t you see what you have converted yourselves children?
Don´t you see that if you keep complaining about
all like spoiled children, for no reason, you're going to
be punished by My Father without anyone to remedy it?
Repent now, I Tell you because you will regret after not
having repented and it will be late, do you hear Me? will
be late children.
Nothing is left for your end, what are you waiting for to
come to see Me in the Sacrarium? until it is removed?
The Sacrarium is going to disappear because of the false
prophet which is Pope Francis, apostle of the Antichrist,
Hail Mary The Most Pure, yes children, he´s apostle, you
will see it and it will be late for you.
Follow Him and you will leave Me to serve Satan, Hail Mary
The Most Pure, and it will be too late for you, too late
because he is going to recommend that you accept the mark
of the beast, that is the microchip, he will tell you to
implant it, that these are modern times, and that it is not
related to the mark of the beast, but it is, and he will
trick you for being unwary and it will be late, alas! very
late if you don´t repent now! to love money more than Me.
I Love you more than you could imagine but I´m bored with
your impertinences and claims about your sad lives,
while My children don´t even exist for you.
Love you, your Jesus.
Amen, Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
Praised Be the Most High in the Sacrament of the Altar and
that forever Be.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
humankind. April 19, 2018
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart,
My Son Loves you but He rebukes you with reason to be, you
have not understood that what you do to others will be
returned, no, you have not understood.
The Lord Jesus Christ Speaks:
Beloved ones, it's enough to complain about everything, My
children go hungry and thirst while you have everything,
don´t you see what you have converted yourselves children?
Don´t you see that if you keep complaining about
all like spoiled children, for no reason, you're going to
be punished by My Father without anyone to remedy it?
Repent now, I Tell you because you will regret after not
having repented and it will be late, do you hear Me? will
be late children.
Nothing is left for your end, what are you waiting for to
come to see Me in the Sacrarium? until it is removed?
The Sacrarium is going to disappear because of the false
prophet which is Pope Francis, apostle of the Antichrist,
Hail Mary The Most Pure, yes children, he´s apostle, you
will see it and it will be late for you.
Follow Him and you will leave Me to serve Satan, Hail Mary
The Most Pure, and it will be too late for you, too late
because he is going to recommend that you accept the mark
of the beast, that is the microchip, he will tell you to
implant it, that these are modern times, and that it is not
related to the mark of the beast, but it is, and he will
trick you for being unwary and it will be late, alas! very
late if you don´t repent now! to love money more than Me.
I Love you more than you could imagine but I´m bored with
your impertinences and claims about your sad lives,
while My children don´t even exist for you.
Love you, your Jesus.
Amen, Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
Praised Be the Most High in the Sacrament of the Altar and
that forever Be.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.
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